7 tips on how to be a more stylish person

April 12, 2016

Many people say that fashion can be bought, but style can't be bought.
I can't genuinely say that style can't be bought because you can pay for a good stylist. However, I believe that style can be learned, so here are a few tips to help you up your style.
1)      Accessorize:
Stylish people always accessorize. A hat here, a scarf there, a statement neckpiece, a bracelet, good sunglasses or even a wristwatch. Little pieces that boost your style and makes your outfit more stylish. Even old clothes can be elevated with the right accessories.
2)      Style yourself according to your taste:
Whatever, your taste is, style accordingly. Don’t try to copy who you are not. Be you, but do you better. Style can’t be forced; if you try too hard people will notice, trust me. Find your style, and get comfortable with it.
3)      Don’t be a slave to fashion:
Fashion will come and go, but style is eternal. I’m not saying that you fashion should be outdated, I’m saying don’t be a slave to the changing trends. There’s really nothing wrong with treating yourself to a good designer piece, the problem is when you start to feel less because you can’t keep up with the pricey swag.
4)      Don’t be afraid of any store:
I’ve heard some people say that they can only get a stylish item from one particular store, lol. “legitimately stylish women will troll any- and we mean any- store with zero snob factor, yet they manage to stay true to their aesthetic”- Style Caster. It’s amazing the good stuff you can find in an “OK” shop, a lot of vintage pieces are there. The problem is- “the snob factor”.
5)      Have a good tailor:
This is extremely important. You need to have some good custom pieces tailored to your perfection. Pick out a good design, get a fabric and let a tailor do something nice for you according to your taste. Flaunt some African designs every now and then, try some good bespoke clothes.
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6)      Pay attention to Beauty:
Be it your hair, nails, makeup, pay attention to beauty. Sometimes the right hair and makeup can do more to elevate your style more than the clothes you are wearing.
7)      Be neat:
Cleanliness cannot be overemphasized. No matter how stylish and fashionable you are, if your clothes are dirty, it’s a zero, a very strong zero. Once it’s dirty, drop it! If you can’t get the stains off immediately, drop it! If it’s smelly, drop it! If it has patches of sweat under the armpit, drop it! Please resist the temptation to wear dirty clothes.
Remain stylish
Love, Sharon.

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